I received this blog award from Konad Addict & Polish & Konad. Thanks girls!
The Rules:
1. Post who gave you this award
2. State 10 things you like
3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment
10 things I like:
- my family
- my BF
- my dogs and my cockatiel
- Konad & polish
- Vienna
- traveling
- taking pictures
- playing cards with my friends
- dancing
- chocolate
I would like to give this award to: (sorry if you have been tagged before) (no particular order)
Bunny (Konad & Me)
Emy (polishing ever after)
BoonDY (Nails Inc.)
Catalina3006 (Nails & more)
Kriss (Kriss Nail art)
Trincess (Emerald Sparkled)
Helena (XOXO Parisky)
Adina (Adyna's blog)
Anda (Anda Zelenca)
Special Koko (special K)