22 September 2010

I got tagged!

Rules: *~*create 8 dif questions and tag 8 dif people*~*

1. What's the most expensive thing you've ever invested your money in?
I don't really know the most expensive one.. beauty products: Perfumes.. and non-beauty products: I spent a small fortune on medical books :)

2. Name the magazine subscriptions you have right now.
I don't have any subscription right now.

3. What's something fun you have planned to do in Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec 2010?
This is tough. Until 21st of November I am studying every single day, because then I have my residency exam (which kinda decides my future as a MD). After that I will do everything I couldn't do this summer...

4. Tell us what car you drive and if you'd recommend that a friend get the same kind.
I drive a Kia C'eed And I love it so much. I would definitely recommend it to a friend.

5. Have you ever tried to lose weight/get in shape for something?

6. How many people have you gone on a date with this year?

One. My boyfriend :) We've been together for 8 years now.

7. Who has the hairstyle that you want to try next?
I want to try something like Rhianna, but I don't know if that would looks so good on me.

8. Do you think that a college degree is worth the time/effort/money it takes to earn it?
Yes.. I think it does (what else can I say after 6 years of medical school :) )

Now, I have to tag 8 persons who have to answer my questions:

1. How much money do you spend on beauty products each month?
2. What is your favorite TV series?
3. What is the most beautiful present you ever got?
4. What's your favorite food?
5. What's your current job?
6. Do you cook? If you do, what is tour favorite dish?
7. Which country/city that you have visited you liked most?
8. What is your favorite book?

I tag:

and everyone else who wants to answer my questions!

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