03 December 2010

NOTD & KOTD: Choose me!

A week ago, I received an early birthday present (my birthday was yesterday, the 2nd of December, that's why my name ends in 1202 :) ). Because in Romania I can't find Essence or p2 cosmetics, I asked my uncle who went on a short trip to Germany to bring me a few nail polishes.And I ended up with this :D:

I tried a few of them and I will swatch and post all of them.

Here is one of the first ones tried: Essence - Choose me:

I added a design using image plate M63 and Black Special Polish from Konad:

What do you think?


Sylvia said...

You've got such a nice uncle! So many presents! :D Nice mani

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! :D Vreau si eu asa unchi! Sa le faci poze la toate, si la sticlute, grupate cumva! Astept cu sufletul la gura!:D

KarenD said...

What a great uncle! Happy birthday--it's still December 2nd here!

Lola B. said...

Awesome! Choose Me looks great on you. Happy birthday! It's my sister's birthday as well. :

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday dear! your uncle is great to bring you back so many goodies.

btw, check out my holiday giveaway at http://www.fruitylashes.com/fruity-lashes-holiday-giveaway-1145/

Jessica said...

I love it that is beautiful!

albastrikmik said...

La Multi Ani pt ieri,sa fi sanatoasa si iubita.Ai un unchi super generos,cred ca a luat toate ojele care le-a gasit in magazin.Culoarea ojei e superba,pupici.

Une Ruxi à Paris said...

felicitari si la multi ani. asta da cadou

kory_nails said...

nu vrea sa ma adopte unchiu tau?:))
super cadou
la multi ani!!

iguanitza said...

În primul rând LA MUUUUUULȚI ANI!!!
Observ că ai un unchi tare generos :)) Îi spui să-ți aducă o ojă două și-ți aduce o gentă întreagă! :D Super
Îmi place Choose Me super mult.
Să le folosești cu plăcere și aștept și celelalte oje :D

Alexa1202 said...

Thanks for all your wishes!!

You can imagine I can't wait to try them all :)

Allison L said...

Oh my goodness you have a great uncle!

Alexa1202 said...

@boonDY Dap, le voi face poze pe grupuri :)

Alexa1202 said...

@Allison I know :) He is really great!

Diana said...

wow asta da cadou:)

Freshie said...

Your uncle rocks!!

ana maria said...

uraaaa! traiasca unchiul! la multi ani cu intarziere si sa-ti fie de bine!

Biba said...

Happy belated B-day! And what a great present! :D

Little Princess said...


Miu Miu said...

Doamne ce de ti-a mai adus :X:X:X trebuia sa il trimiti si pe la mine :))

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