23 February 2011

Some interesting giveaways (only for Romanian readers)

Gabrielle organizeaza un giveaway cu ocazia zilei sale de nastere. La multi ani!
Detaliile le gasiti aici. Va puteti inscrie pana pe 3 Aprilie.


Alina organizeaza un giveaway de primavara. 

 Detaliile le gasiti aici. Va puteti inscrie pana pe 15 Aprilie.

Iela organizeaza un giveaway pentru cititoarele ei, avand ca premiu un produs Benefit la alegere.

Detaliile le gasiti aici si va puteti inscrie pana pe 1 aprilie.


Simi organizeaza un giveaway cu ocazia atingerii pragului de 50 de followeri.

Felicitari! Iata ce puteti castiga:

 Va puteti inscrie aici, pana pe 20 martie.

Gya organizeaza un giveaway cu ocazia zilei de 8 Martie. Iata ce puteti castiga: 

 Mai multe detalii gasiti aici. Va puteti inscrie pana pe 15 martie.

Mizz Z organizeaza un giveaway cu ocazia zilei de 8 martie cu urmatoarele premii:

 Va puteti inscrie aici pana pe 15 martie.

Iulia organizeaza un giveaway care are ca premiu o oja OPI - Diva of Geneva.

Va puteti inscrie aici, urmand cateva reguli simple, pana pe 23 martie.

Stefi Blaga organizeaza un giveaway cu 3 premii, unul din ele fiind acesta:

Va puteti inscrie aici, pana pe 16 martie.

16 February 2011

NOTD: Night Violet


Today, I would like to show you a nail polish I have recently bought from Avon: Night Violet.
I must say I like this polish very, very much. It's a lovely color. 
In this pictures, I am wearing 2 coats, no top coat.

I'm sorry I didn't have time to clean my cuticles. 
What do you think? 

13 February 2011

My package has arrived!


A few weeks ago, I was contacted by Jessica from Bornprettystore and asked if I would like to review some products from their online nail art store. 
Here are the products I received. I can't wait to try them all and share my opinions with you.

A 12 Colors Round Rhinestone Wheel:

 Stamping Nail Polish:

And some cute water decals: 

I will start trying them this week (let's hope I'll find the time)!
Stay tuned for my reviews.

If you would like to buy the products, you can find them online, at Bornprettystore.com along with some other nail art supplies.  

You can use this code: ALEXAK31 and get 10% discount until 31st of March!

06 February 2011

NOTD: Come meet... Ingrid :)

I know it's been a while since my last post, but I have been very busy lately.
So, here is a quick NOTD.
I used China Glaze - Ingrid (2 coats). It's a very nice color, suited for work.

How have you been? What do you think about this color? Do you have something similar?

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