30 October 2010

NOTD & KOTD: First Class Ticket

Here is First Class Ticket from China Glaze (2 coats). It's a dark royal purple (in my opinion) with blue shimmer.

 Here I added some flowers using a fake Konad image plate and Special White polish.

Do you like purple? Do you have a favorite one?
What do you think about this color?

28 October 2010

Vintage Vixen Stamping sample

Hello everybody!

If you are curious how a certain polish will look when stamped, I decided to start and try all my nail polishes to see how they will look stamped.

I started with China Glaze's Vintage Vixen collection and Eyeko's Tea Rose Polish.
Here are the pictures, so you can make your own opinions :)
I used the pumpkin design from image plate M13. 

So, what do you think?

25 October 2010

NOTD & KOTD: OPI - Suzi says Feng Shui & M63

Here are some pictures with OPI - Suzy says Feng Shui

2 coats, no top coat, no flash
 2 coats, no top coat, flash

I also stamped a design from plate M63, with Special black polish from Konad.
no flash
with flash 

I really like the color and the design. I think it looks a bit like a water marble manicure :)
This is one of my favorite designs.

What do you think?

24 October 2010

I won :) & Nail Expo

A few days ago, Natsuko organized a very original giveaway. She said that she will give a prize to the person who had the 1733th comment on her blog (or if she was the one with that number - to the person before her). I think this was a good idea to make people interact more :)
Lucky for me, I had the 1732th comment (1733th was hers)

Because we both live in Bucharest, we decided to meet, not just to send the prize through mail. 
So we met today at Nail Expo (you can see pictures on her blog).

I want to say that she is great, she made me very, very happy and I really want to thank her. 
Here is what I received from Natsuko:

- OPI - Suzy says Feng Shui
- OPI - Jade is the new black
- OPI - Cajun Shrimp
- Rimmel - Blue Vogue
- Maybelline - Metallic Rose
- 2 nail stickers sheets (I forgot to put one in the picture)

She actually read my wishlist and bought two of the nail polishes I wanted so bad. 
I am already trying one of the new polishes (I'm waiting for the first coat to dry :D)

As for the Nail Expo.. I saw some great polishes there (China Glaze, Essie, Zoya, Orly), I bought a Special Black polish from Konad and a new image plate and some nail stickers.

That's it for now!
Have a great weekend!

21 October 2010

Review: Shewee - or how to pee standing up :D

      Romanian (for English scroll down)

Fetelor, de cate ori nu ati fost la un restaurant / club / pub / festival si ati avut nevoie la toaleta, dar ati preferat sa rabdati si sa ajungeti acasa? Motive ar fi multe pentru acest lucru:
- Toaleta era atat de murdara si urat mirositoare incat mai bine te abtii (majoritatea stim cum sunt toaletele publice in Romania).
- Coada la toaleta era extrem de lunga si mai multe sanse aveai sa faci pe tine inainte sa apuci sa intri in cabina.

Si astea sunt doar primele 2 motive care imi vin in minte. Citeam acum ceva timp un articol aici, despre cat de greu ii este unei femei sa faca pipi intr-o toaleta la restaurant. Mare dreptate are autoarea blogului.
V-ati gandit vreodata ca ar fi fost bine sa puteti face pipi din picioare, fara sa fie nevoie sa escaladati vasul toaletei sau sa incercati sa nu va atingeti deloc de marginea ei?

Ei bine, se poate. Cum? Cu... Shewee - dispozitiv de urinat din picioare pentru femei.

Ce este Shewee?
Conform producatorului:
“Shewee este un dispozitiv portabil si refolosibil de urinat pentru femei care va permite sa faceti pisu din picioare fara sa va scoateti haine, sa faceti acrobatii sau sa va murdariti. E grozav pentru camping, drumetii, ski, ambuteiaje, concerte, toaletele din restaurante sau supermarketuri, budele turcesti de la mare si mersul in vizita la tara. Nu va mai trebuie nici tufisuri, faceti la copacel ca baieteii! Este facut din material plastic reciclabil, transparent, se poate curata la masina sau de mana, rezista pana la 120 grade celsius. Dupa folosire il scuturati putin (este plastic tratat sa respinga lichidele), il puneti la loc in punguta resigilabila sau un cutia lui si il curatati cand ajungeti acasa.”

Am auzit prima data despre acest produs pe un alt blog si am zis ca trebuie neaparat sa il incerc. Din curiozitate, m-am inscris pe tu.ro  pentru a primi un asemenea dispozitiv. A doua zi il aveam acasa.. si bineinteles, nu am rezistat sa nu il testez.

Conform instructiunilor, l-am incercat la dus (sincer, imi era sa nu fac pe mine si sa imi mai ud si hainele pe deasupra :D). A mers din prima, conform instructiunilor. Functioneaza perfect. Nu se umple, nu te stropesti, nu uzi hainele. Am incercat si intr-o situatie normala, fara sa fiu in dus, exact ca barbatii :)) Si a functionat ok. Nu m-am udat deloc. O sa fie mereu in geanta mea de acum incolo pentru ca mi se pare o inventie geniala, care ne scuteste de multe lucruri neplacute.

O sa va atasez si niste poze cu dispozitivul. Toate detaliile precum si diferite accesorii si pareri puteti gasi pe www.shewee.com. In Romania se poate cumpara de pe site-ul tu.ro

 Ce parere aveti? Ati incerca / folosi acest produs? 

*Acest produs mi-a fost trimis pentru review.
Parerile din aceasta postare sunt sincere si personale. Pentru mai multe informatii, cititi politica din josul paginii.
Daca aveti un produs care doriti sa mi-l trimiteti pentru a-i face review, va rog sa ma contactati.



Girls, how many times have you been to a restaurant / club / pub / festival and you needed to go to the toilet, but you preferred not to go and wait until you got home? There are a lot of reason, first two that come in my mind right now:
- a long cue at the lady's room
- dirty, smelly toilets

If you ever wished that you can pee standing up.. here is the solution: Shewee - the portable urinating device for women.

What does the producer say?
The portable urinating device for women allows women to urinate whilst standing & without removing clothes. Great for camping, walking, skiing, climbing, traffic jams, travelling, unhygienic public toilets & much more. No more uncomfortable squatting or bare bottoms!  Reusable
Cleaning: Urine is sterile as it leaves the body- so you don’t have to clean your Shewee after every use. However, Shewee can be cleaned by machine or hand and withstands temperatures of up to 120°C."

According to the instructions, you should try it in the shower first, to get used to it. It's very easy to use, I had no problems using it for the first time. It doesn't fill up, it doesn't overflow, it works like a charm. I also tried it with my clothes on, I had no problem, no urine on my clothes. 
I will carry this in my purse from now on. 

I did some photos of the device (scroll up to see them)

You can find more details on www.shewee.com.

In Romania , you can buy it from www.tu.ro.
What do you think? Would you try / use this product?

*This product was sent to me for review.
The opinions are honest and personal. For more informations, please read my disclaimer policy.
If you have a product that you'd like me to review, please contact me.

3 Chenes - Giveaway special pentru bloggerite :)

Mihaela de la "Frumusetea este in natura ta" organizeaza un giveaway special pentru bloggerite. 
Premiul este un concentrat protector si hidratant de la 3Chenes. 

Ce trebuie sa faceti? 
Sa respectati regulile de pe blogul Mihaelei. 
O regula importanta: blogul vostru trebuie sa aiba minim 3 luni si sa aveti minim 10 postari pe blog.
La 2 saptamani de la primirea premiului, trebuie sa faceti un review.

Daca vreti sa incercati aceast concentrat, detaliile le gasiti aici: http://thingsbyms.blogspot.com/2010/10/1618-beauty-crema-product-giveaway.html .

20 October 2010

NOTD: Let's B(o)ogie!

My next NOTD from Vintage Vixen Collection is.. Bogie!
It's a dark purple - grey (I don't know if this is the exact description.. this is how it looked to me) with shimmer. I love the color!!! The application was great (2 coats in the pictures), I got the hang of it. When I applied the first polish (Emerald Fitzgerald), it seemed a bit runny or.. I don't know how to explain.. but when I applied it, a drop always came from nowhere :))

Here are the pictures:


15 October 2010

Vote me, please! (fall contest)


This is my entry to "Fall" nail art contest organized by Konad Addict:
 (you can click on the pictures to see them better)

 If you like my design, please vote for me here: (I am no. 8)
You have to be a follower to maRyya's blog to vote. 

I want to say that this is my first participation to a nail art contest, is my first "sponge" ever.. My inspiration were the beautiful colors of autumn. 
So, plase vote me!

My first Eyeko nail polishes

Yesterday I received my first 2 Eyeko polishes from Niki* from Polish on Digital Paper after winning her giveaway. Thank you very much!

Here are some pictures:

The colors are lovely.. I love this bottles, especially their labels :)
I can't wait to try them. 

14 October 2010

I won :)

Yesterday, rmcandlelight from Nails Beautiqued announced me that I won her "Win it Wednesday Giveaway". 

Thank you very much and I am looking forward to try and make my own polishes :)

My prize & NOTD: Emerald Fitzgerald

I am very happy. Today my prize (China Glaze - Vintage Vixen collection) from Nikki from Nail Talez & more arrived. I was so excited.. these are my first China Glaze polishes and I must say I love them all and I can't wait to try each one of them.

And now, for the NOTD.. I couldn't wait and I tried one of the polishes which was already on my wishlist: Emerald Fitzgerald. I am wearing 2 coats and no top coat.


I really like this color!  I admired my nails all day long :)
What do you think? What's your favorite from this collection?

12 October 2010

KOTD: Go green.. with golden dots

I added a design to my previous NOTD. I used Konad image plate M79 and Flormar NA09 for stamping.. This is what I got:

Next time I will stamp the dots with different colors.. so that it would look like a Xmas tree with  globes :)

11 October 2010

NOTD: Go green

Nail polish used: She Nail Sugar no. 521 (one coat)
What do you think about the color? 
I think it will go great with some Xmas nail art :)

08 October 2010

My Viva la Nails sample pack is here!

Two days ago I received my sample pack from Viva la Nails. I ordered it last week, on Thursday, so it arrived pretty quick :) I paid only a £2.95 S&H fee.
I received some water decals, some stickers, glitter, some crushed shells & co. I had to look them up on the site, because it doesn't say what they are (I wish they did)
So, here's what I got:

And now for some detailed pictures:


I think they are great and I will try them as soon as possible. 
Do you like them? What do you think? Did you use Viva la Nails products before?

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